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PLC German Meal  April 26
German Dinner Planning is Underway We will be holding our annual German Dinner on
Saturday, April 26 in the church fellowship hall. The dinner will consist of knoephla, sauerkraut,
sausage and borscht soup, along with desserts and refreshments. We also will have a silent
auction, bake sale and raffle.  PLEASE start asking businesses for donations for Silent Auction
or put on your creative hats to think of a “Themed” basket or two that you would consider
donating from your family. Kathy will be creating a sign-up sheet of ingredients we will need
for the knoephla and borscht soup and time schedule for workers.


Creating Baskets…we will put together baskets again, made up of those things you have in your
cabinets that you don’t plan on using. SO, in the next couple of months, please clean out your
cabinets and bring those items to the church. Then one night we will get together and
“CREATE” awesome silent auction baskets using your donations. 


German Church Service will be held on April 27, which will be a lot of fun.

Download the flyer and share with your friends!

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